TRI is proud to be the preferred high voltage, interconnect solution provider for many space applications from low Earth orbit to the extreme environmental conditions of deep space. With extensive heritage as being a key supplier to the space community, TRI's products have performed successfully in harsh environments, such as, the surface of one of Saturn's moons, Titan, the surface of Mars and in orbit around Jupiter. Applications include- Satellite Electric Propulsion (SEP)
Mass spectrometers
RF Transmitters
Electron multipliers
Examples of heritage - Hubble Space Telescope
- Cassini
- Huygens Probe
- Curiosity Rover
- New Horizons
- Dawn
- Hayabusa and Hayabusa-2
| - Rosetta
- Juno
- ExoMars
- Radiation Belt Storm Probes
- and many more...
| | Relevant Products
600 SQ Series
PeeWee SQ Series
1804 & 1807 Series
JR Series
Century+ Series
HV Micro FlexTM Wire
HV FEP Wire |
For additional information please download our
Space Qualified Products brochure.