

​VCOs At-A-Glance
  • FREQUENCY: 40MHz to 18GHz
  • BANDWIDTHS: <1% to Multi-Octave
  • TECHNOLOGY: Bipolar transistor & Silicon Hyberabrupt Varactor​
  • CONFIGURATION/PACKAGING: Connectorized, Pin & SM
  • PLATFORMS: Ground, Airborne, Marine, Space
Teledyne RF & Microwave offers Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) utilizing bipolar transistors & silicon varactors over the frequency range of 40 MHz to 18GHz. Many of the VCO designs incorporate internal filtering, regulation & amplifiers to meet total system requirements in a small integrated package. Additionally, our hermetic hybrid designs can be screened to the most demanding military and space applications.


  • Can be incorporated into larger systems with Phase Locked Loops (PLLs) or synthesizers
  • Low phase noise
  • Broad tuning range


Teledyne VCOs have been utilized on Ground, Airborne, Marine, and Space platforms. End use applications:

  • Military
  • Communications
  • EW, Missile
  • Commercial
  • Test and Measurement
  • Space Payload



VCO model OA2CP12001 operates from 8000 to 12000 MHz and combines oscillator circuit, voltage regulator, MMIC amplifier, and bandpass filter in a two-stage CougarPak™ housing. Typical performance includes post tuning drift of ±3.0 MHz at 1 msecs relative to frequency at 1 second, 2:1 tuning linearity over frequency, and suppresses harmonics to better than –20 dBc. Output power is 10 dBm minimum over the –54°C to 85°C temperature range, covers the frequency range in 0 to –12 volts, and draws 250 mA from a 15 VDC supply.

Teledyne's line of high performance VCOs are suitable for challenging signal processing applications: aerospace, military, and industrial.