

Replacing an older design, Teledyne RF & Microwave reduced component count and increased overall reliability in this X-band limiting amplifier. The design covers 9.0 to 10.0 GHz and provides dynamic range over inputs from -14.0 to -4.0 dBm, and output of +28.5 dBm. The output power variation versus frequency and temperature (-46° to 72° C) is ~±0.3 dB and typical rise and fall times are ~5 nanoseconds. The amplifier operates from a 400 Hz, 115 Vac power source. Teledyne can also provide limiting amplifiers covering broader frequency ranges, dynamic ranges, and output powers in excess of 1 watt.

  • 9 to 10 GHz Frequency
  • +28.5 dBm Output Power
  • ±0.3 Output Power Change Vs. Frequency and Temperature
  • (-46° to 72° C)
  • Operates off 400 Hz 115 VAC Supply
